the garden of time – Venice

artists: sanne bax (NL), daan den houter (Nl), evelyn malgil (au), adam norton (au), vivian cooper smith (au), anique weve (nl). curated by samantha ferris.

La Storta, venezia contemporanea, venice, italy. map

15 – 27 April 2024. Open every day 11:00 – 17:00

Launch: Tuesday 16 april from 16:00

finissage: saturday 27 april from 17:00

As the world implodes, six diverse artists — three each from Australia and the Netherlands — present jewel-like works in The Garden of Time, a touring exhibition taking its title from J. G. Ballard’s nostalgic short story of impending doom and the appreciation of beauty as time runs out and a new age unfurls.

Sprouting this April in Venice, a city of exquisite charm, and itself overrun by mass tourism, The Garden of Time offers momentary respite as these six contrasting artists tease-out overlaps and distinctions between the two countries. It transports the viewer from the peace of remote Western Australia to the din of urban cities, even to the outer reaches of space where our grip on time is even more unfathomable than here on earth. 

This Venice showing offers the viewer respite from the world outside. Here, viewers can experience how these artists share a playful and obsessive approach to painting, photography and object-making, and how juxtaposed, their works connect and compliment each other to elicit surprising relationships. Standing in for the exotic time flowers in Ballard’s story are contemplative artworks, glistening jewels with ulterior motives. They not only embody time in their creation, but hold it back from the forces of destruction, if only temporarily.

To travel is to seek depth in understanding. For artists, the artist residency provides this and the opportunity to connect and to share. This exhibition germinated from a seed sown five years ago at 18th St Art Center in Los Angeles. Ever since, ongoing conversations and collaborations have led to this three-city show seeking to unravel geographic and cultural difference through the medium of time and has seen friendships flourish.

exhibition essay by david wills

artist biographies and websites


Catalogue available on request